The Award

The Lucca Junior contest – “Livio Sossi” editorial illustration award is an international contest held at Lucca Comics & Games, in cooperation with the “Book on a Tree” literary agency and a publishing company, aimed at the creation of a illustration book based on an unpublished writing proposed by the organization

The winning project, selected by a jury of industry experts, is published, with regular publishing contract, by the partner publishing company of the award, and distributed nationwide in Italy.

The award is dedicated to the memory of prof. Livio Sossi (Trieste, 1951-2019), among the highest scholars on illustration and literature for children, university professor, essayist, fervent advocate of books and culture for children, as well as jury president of the Lucca Junior award since its beginning in 2007.

The award aims to highlight the works of talented illustrators and to promote literature for children and teenagers, as well as to facilitate contacts between artists and virtuous publishers, who can publish their works and present them to the public.

An art exhibition with the works from the prize will be set-up, with its own catalogue containing a selection of the best participating artworks.